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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pingad Sabangan Mountain Province

BarangayPingad.... The center of southern Sabangan in the early days.  Pingad is the oldest name for all of the 9 barangay of upper Sabangan. The communities under Pingad in the early days were: Bao-angan, Bun-ayan, Busa, Camatagn, Capinitan, Gayang, Namatec, and Napua. Now these communities are all independent barangay, governed by their own barangay officials. The name "Pingad" as story say was derived from a "kankana-ey" word "pingod" which means to remove ear or ears. In early days when tribal conflicts were practiced, warriors from this community bring home ear or ears from fallen enemy as their trophy and as a sign of bravery. The tribal elders believed that warriors from Pingad are brave and furious warrior and are known for their cruelty and viciousness. Read more here

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