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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pingad Sabangan Mountain Province

BarangayPingad.... The center of southern Sabangan in the early days.  Pingad is the oldest name for all of the 9 barangay of upper Sabangan. The communities under Pingad in the early days were: Bao-angan, Bun-ayan, Busa, Camatagn, Capinitan, Gayang, Namatec, and Napua. Now these communities are all independent barangay, governed by their own barangay officials. The name "Pingad" as story say was derived from a "kankana-ey" word "pingod" which means to remove ear or ears. In early days when tribal conflicts were practiced, warriors from this community bring home ear or ears from fallen enemy as their trophy and as a sign of bravery. The tribal elders believed that warriors from Pingad are brave and furious warrior and are known for their cruelty and viciousness. Read more here

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Gayang Sabangan Moutain Province

          Gayang is the third barangay of Sabangan that lays on the foot of mount kalawitan and beside the chico river. The other barangays are Napua and Poblacion Sabangan. It is surrounded by lush rice fields and vegetable farms. The name Gayang is derived from the local "kankana-ey" dialect  "gayang" to throw or pitch. In Ilocano term, "gayang" is spear. 
       The main product of this agriculture rich barangay are rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cabbages, carrots, green paper, peanut and etc. Rice from this barangay are purely organic and are good in making rice wine or "tapey". Rice paddies in this village are older than the village it self. 
       Story has it that Gayang was a hunting and fishing ground for people from Pingad. Then when they learn that the soil in this area was good for planting because it is fertile and with abundant water supply, the villagers started to build rice paddies. There were no houses but only  small rice granaries are built to store harvest, but soon villagers recognizes the possibility of staying and living where their farms are, then the community starts. There are three smaller villages of this barangay namely "Ladeg, Datacan, and Gayang". Ladeg is located on the foot of "mount Tiguing" the boundary between Camatagan and Gayang.
         Read more about Gayang at

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sabangan and its 15 barangay's

              In this introductory page of this blog, the writer would like to introduce to you the small municipality of Sabangan in Mountain Province, North of Luzon Philippines. Sabangan is located 18 kilometers south of Buntoc, Mountain Province. Buntoc is the capital town of Moutain Province.

                The municipality is located in the hinterlands of the Cordillera Mountain ranges. The municipality is just a small town, composed of 15 Barangays. This municipality has lots to offer in terms of natural sceneries to see. Villagers in this municipality are accommodating and courteous too. The people have lots of indigenous culture. Although the influence of Christianity is the primary religion being practiced by the majority of the populace, ancient culture can still be seen in several Barangays. Though the cultural practices of the people of Sabangan are similar with other more prominent municipalities of the region, some are also unique only in this Municipality. This is manifested by the location of the barangays of the municipality. Many unique cultural practices of each of the barangay is due to the composition of the tribe before it becomes a barangay. It is so interesting to discus further about all of this in details to my up-coming postings.

The 15 Barangay's are as follows:

               This barangay is the southern most barangay of the municipality. The majority of its household is located across the chico river. Napua is the barangay boundary of Sabangan municipality and the municipality of Bauko Mountain Province on its southern and western boundaries and the province of Ifugao on its eastern boundary. The barangay is accessible only by means of hiking. No road system is link with this barangay. This barangay was once the center of lumber production before the closure of the Kairuz lumber Corp or also known as Tiwitiw Lumber.

2. Namatec:
                 The concentration of households in this barangay is located just below the Halsema national Road. Namatec is the next barangay after Napua when traveling towards north. Pingad National High School Annex is located here. Namatec Elementary School is also one of  oldest elementary school in southern Sabangan. This barangay has diverse population due to intermarriages of the people with the workers of Kairuz lumber who came from different places.

3. Busa:
                This barangay is next to Namatec when traveling northwards. Busa can be located easily along the Halsema highway. Majority of the houses are along the Halsema highway. One of the smallest barangay in Sabangan.

4. Capinitan:
                 Is one barangay of Sabangan where its houses are built clustered together in the area along the Halsema national highway. This barangay is next to Busa northwards. The residence of Board Member Marcial Lawilao who also became the mayor of Sabangan for several terms. His son Marcial Lawilao Jr. became Saguniang Panlalawigan youth representative then he was elected as a regular member of the Sanguniang Panlalawigan of Mountain Province. 

5. Camatagan:
                 Barangay Camatagan is the center of education in the southern part of Sabangan. This is where the first public high school was built. The school was located in the barangay proper below the Halsema national highway. Though the name of the school is Pingad National High School, and the elementary was Pingad Elementary School, this is because the barangay was one a sitio of the greater Pingad barangay before. This barangay is next to Capinitan northwards along the Halsema national high way. This barangay has 5 distinct sitios, which are a. Leg-leg: located on top of the hill which is the political boundary of Capinitan and Camatagan, b. Tupac: the sitio below Leg-leg, Houses are clustered together along the Halsema highway, c. Tampugo: the sitio along the Halsema highway and the barangay road going to Camatagan sitio proper, d. Dapdapilan: this sitio is the political boundary of Camatagan and Pingad barangay. e. Camatagan Sito Proper: is where the elementary and high school was located. In this barangay several political personalities were elected into municipal positions of Sabangan. Personalities like Vice Mayor Alfredo "Bosikan" Ramon, Councillor Carmen Lardizabal, Councillor Rufino Dolipas, Councillor Crispin Altaki, Councillor/Vice Mayor Tolean, Councillor/Mayor Danglose, and Councillor/Vice Mayor Vinancio Lipawen. Read more

6. Gayang: 
                 Nestled along the chico river. This barangay can be considered as one of the agricultural area of the municipality of Sabangan. Most of rice paddies of people from other barangays are located in this barangay because of the abundance of supply of water from the chico river. The barangay has 3 sitios a. Ladeg: located just below barangay Camatagn. b. Datacan: identifiable by houses clustered on top of a hill just below Datacan, and c. Gayang proper: This sitio can only be reached by crossing a hanging foot bridge above the chico river.Read more

7. Pingad:
               Where all of the barangays of upper or southern Sabangan was once part. This is where the barangay fiestas are being celebrated every February. This Barangay is next to Camatagan when traveling northwards along the Halsema Highway. A Roman Catholic Church just above the Halsema national high way is the landmark for this barangay. The residence of the Salupen/Pilando family. One of the great name in Mountain Province. Read more in

8. Bao-angan:
              Bao-angan is the barangay above Pingad barangy. The barangay is the political boundaries between the municipality of Sabangan and Bauko. This sitio can be recognized by clusters of housed above the Halsema national highway adjacent to Pingad. Location of the famous stone coffin, which can be seen along the Halsema highway. 

9. Bun-ayan:
               One of the most heavily clustered barangay in upper southern Sabangan. Recognizable by the densely build roof to roof houses just below the Halsema national highway. It is feared that if a residential fire will occur, a fast conflagration can happen in just a few minutes. This is due to the materials used in the constructions of the housed which mostly are made of light and combustible materials. One of the largest barangay, in terms of population, next to barangay Publacion.The political powerhouse of upper Sabangan because of population. 2nd from barngay Publacion in term of population.

10. Publacion Sabangan:
                The set of the municipal power of Sabangan. The temperature in this barangay compared to upper southern Sabangan barangays is comparatively different. It is much warmer in this barangay. The only Private school in the municipality is located here. Beautifully nestled along the Chico River, surrounded by mountains and seemingly decorated by rice paddies, Publacion is a serine and a quite place. The Municipal hall constructed on the mountain side overlooking the Publacion barangay is like a castle on the hill. There are indigenous products being manufactured and sold here. The residence of the Dominguez family. Victor Dominguez was the political kingpin of the province, and the most respected personality in Mountain Province. He was elected congressman and assemblyman, and her wife Josephine once serves as congressman and undersecretary in the President Aroyo administrator.

11. Lagan:
                This barangay is located across the Chico river adjacent to barangy Publacion is lined by beautiful rice paddies. It can be seen with houses clustered together when you are along the Halsema highway. Can only be reached by crossing neither of the three hanging bridges above the Chico river. 

12. Lusad:
               It is in this barangay that the Central district school is located. The barangay can be mistakenly seen as part of Publacion because of their proximity. The barangay proper is also located along the Chico river. With in the area of this barangay that the rice terraces of Sabangan is foaund.

13. Tambingan: 
              The barangay proper of Tambingan is located on top of the mountains surrounded by lots of pine trees. Only the sitio of Nakagang is along the Halsema national highway. It is in this sitio where the crossing of Halsema highway and Sabangan – Cervantis road merge. A large statue of Mother Marry which can be seen from the municipal hall is constructed in this barangay. The barangay proper is only reachable trough hiking.

14. Data: 
             The Barangay is the political boundaries of Sabangan municipality and the municipalities of Bauko and Sagada. It is in this barangay where several places of Sagada and Bauko are seen, Nestled on a valley on top of the mountains, this barangay is peaceful and quiet. Plenty of pine trees surrounds the village of Data and pampered by the greenery of rice paddies. This barangay is accessible with vehicle.

15. Supang: 
             This barangy is located along the Sabangan – Cervantis road. The barangay proper is located above Sabangan - Cervantis road. It is accessible by vehicle. This barangay is the near to Bauko Mountain Province. Most of the relatives of the resident here are from Bauko. Great political leader from this barangay namely Mr. Guedangen, Mr. Sudicalan, Mr. Esden, and Mr. Aquillo are elected in municipal post and some are in Provincial post.

                The town fiesta of the municipality was called "Gag-gayam" which means get-together, or happy group. This activity is not celebrated only in Sabangan, but it was recognized by e-Sabangan all over the world and they are celebrating it in other countries where e-Sabangan migrate to work or to live. Hungkong and Macau where most of e-Sabangan stay in large number celibates the "Gag-gayam". e-Sabangan  is the term used by locals to identify folks from the municipality of Sabangan. The "e" means "from" of "folks from". It can be prefixed also as "e-Pingad" or any other place.
This is only an introduction of the municipality Sabangan by the blogger. Expect that more information, pictures and other related data are up-coming. Come visit the Municipality of Sabangan. There are Lodges in Nakagan and at the Catholic Missionaries in barangay Publacion where a visitor from far places can stay in an affordable price.

Other readings for your information. Thank you!